Thursday, March 17, 2011


No doubt you’ve seen some images from the earthquake and tsunami like these here from the NY Times/AP. The devastation in Japan is horrific, as is the state of affairs, the deaths, missing people, damaged lives and immeasurable property damage. Unthinkable sadness.

The photos too are extremely powerful. In kind, in their quietness, in scale. In short, they are completely surreal. The ability for a photograph to tell a story in a single moment is undeniable. This is journalism, but were it not for a natural disaster, the subject matter of the images reads like a fine art of destruction.

The world’s head and heart are with you Japan. More shocking and surreal images captured by AP reporters in Japan after the jump.

1 comment:

  1. Had been looking for HORRIFIC ART destruction and here I got it. Thanks for sharing it and I will be looking more from you.
